experience yourself in dancing

  • You want more connection to yourself and your body?

  • You want to explore your issues in an unusual and lively way?

  • You would like to release your blockages and bring them into flow?

  • You wish for more liveliness and self-expression?

  • You would like to explore a personal theme in dance?


We dance through different cycles and explore what shows up and rises within us.

What wants to come alive and express itself in you?

It can simply be joy, but also other feelings; physical impulses as well as thoughts and visions.

We give space to this. Through the dance and the physical experience integration takes place. You feel more connected to yourself afterwards.

Musically you will be accompanied by me through the dance journey.

The dance2grow approach is based on a universal growth cycle from FengShui, which I learned at a workshop in the context of energetic work according to Rainer Strücker and then developed further for the body and dance.

Are you curious and want to explore dance2grow and explore yourself? Then come on over. I am looking forward to meeting you! Warmly, Henrietta

Dates will be announced soon.

contact: Henrietta Schermall more about
